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Working Better

'Working Better' brings together various ideas about how work could be organised, people employed and business structured for Britain to meet the challenges of the 21st Century and at the same time improve equality and human rights.

We've been working to find innovative new ways of working, particularly more flexible options. For those with caring responsibilities, parents who want to work, disabled people who want meaningful careers, and older workers who wants to stay in the labour market for longer – this is the big issue of our time.

Working Better also highlights challenges for business and institutions, for example the squandering of talent apparent in the ‘glass ceilings’ that specific groups of people face when trying to progress through the ranks of an industry, profession or spheres of public life. Our Sex and Power survey illustrates this through the case of women and highlights the dangers of continuing to waste talent in Britain’s economic, cultural and political life.

Working Better will look at the limitations of current policy and practice, highlight where new thinking and creative solutions are needed, and put forward a range of options and solutions for change.

Read our Phase 1 report that takes a detailed look at what modern parents say would make a difference to them and offers some possible solutions and initiatives to help make that a reality

Find out more about the Working Better initiative, including the Home Front survey undertaken with Mumsnet and Dad Info

Find out more about the slow path to equal representation in Sex and Power 2008

www: Click Here for Further Information

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